Wednesday, 21 May 2014


How do you travel?

You can find in this site a transport classification. There is also a description of some of them and some games.

¿Cómo viajas?
Puedes encontrar en esta página web una clasificación de los transportes.
Hay también una descripción de alguno de ellos y algunos juegos.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Do you think we should practice Lyrics Training watching this video?

¿Crees que deberíamos practicar con la página web de Lyrics Training con este vídeo?

Monday, 19 May 2014

MEANS OF TRANSPORT (learn & play)
This is a game and a lesson. 
No, no!
These are three lessons and three games to review the vocabulary of MEANS OF TRANSPORT

They are classified into three groups:
  • In the air.
  • In the water.
  • On the ground.
Enjoy yourself as you are learning new vocabulary and playing.

 Se trata de tres temas y tres juegos sobre el vocabulario de los medios de transporte.
Están clasificados en tres grupos: "por aire", "por agua" o "por tierra".
Disfruta mientras aprendes nuevo vocabulario y juegas.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

English training with songs

If you want to train your English, the best way to do it is by singing.

This site lets you sing a song in several ways: karaoke, beginner, medium, advanced, master, ...

You can look for the English songs you like, and some Spanish songs as well.

This is the song we can start practicing with:

HAPPY, by Pharrell Williams

Si quieres entrenarte en Inglés, el mejor modo es cantando.
Esta página web te permite cantar una canción de diversos modos: karaoke, principiante, ...
Puedes buscar las canciones inglesas que más te gusten, e incluso algunas en español.
Empezamos practicando con HAPPY, de Pharrell Williams.

Sunday, 4 May 2014


These words are used to ask questions:

Now, try to do the next exercise:

How many answers can you give to this table game with this type of questions?

Can you answer to this quiz on QUESTION WORDS?

Time for playing a game:

ASKING QUESTIONS [interactive book]